December 16, 2013
Rabbi Gershon Avtzon in #907, 10 Shvat, Moshiach & Geula

…the Rebbe told us the goal of our generation: “This, then, is why the seventh is so cherished: it is he who draws down the Sh’china, in fact, the essence of the Sh’china; moreover, he draws it down into this lowly world. It is this that is demanded of each and every one of us of the seventh generation, and ‘all those that are seventh are cherished.’

Dear Reader sh’yichyeh,

The Alter Rebbe writes in the beginning of Hilchos Pesach: “The early Sages decreed in the time of the existence of the Bais HaMikdash that the speakers should start to publicly expound the laws of the festival 30 days before the festival. That is, from Purim on they should expound the laws of Pesach; and from the 5th of Iyar on they should expound the laws of Shavuos; and from the 14th of Elul on they should expound the laws of Sukkos. This is because each and every Jew who lived in Eretz Yisroel is obligated to bring 3 sacrifices on Yom Tov: A burnt-offering, a Yom Tov offering, and a joy offering … Therefore the Sages decreed to expound the laws of the Yom Tov 30 days beforehand to remind the people…”

Dear Chassidim:

We are already within 30 days before the holy day of 10 Shevat, the day of the Histalkus of the Frierdike Rebbe and the day we celebrate the Kabbalas Hanesius of our Rebbe. Everyone is preparing themselves for this special day. Many are learning the special Maamarim of Basi L’Gani 5714 and 4743 (which correspond to this year 5774) and many other wonderful things.

That’s all good and wonderful, but it’s time to get “back to the basics” and focus on accomplishing the goal that the Rebbe wants of our generation. In the very first Maamer, the Rebbe told us the goal of our generation: “This, then, is why the seventh is so cherished: it is he who draws down the Sh’china, in fact, the essence of the Sh’china; moreover, he draws it down into this lowly world. It is this that is demanded of each and every one of us of the seventh generation, and ‘all those that are seventh are cherished.’

“Although the fact that we are in the seventh generation is not the result of our own choosing and our own service, and indeed in certain ways perhaps contrary to our will, nevertheless ‘all those who are seventh are cherished.’

“We are now very near the approaching footsteps of Moshiach, indeed, we are at the conclusion of this period, and our spiritual task is to complete the process of drawing down the Sh’china—moreover, the essence of the Sh’china—within specifically our lowly world.’”

We must always be focused on this goal, as the Rebbe told us (Chayei Sara 5752): “The most recent innovation in the work of shlichus  is: to receive our righteous Moshiach in the true and complete Redemption. Indeed, the preparation for the coming of our righteous Moshiach is the most all encompassing aspect of Judaism and includes all the other points and details of the work of shlichus.”

In the Sicha of Tazria-Metzora (5751) the Rebbe told us the direct path to bring Moshiach: “My intention here is action – and certainly the following will be publicized everywhere: In order to realize the immediate revelation and coming of Moshiach – each and every Jew (the men, whether they are dwellers in the tent (Yisachar) or men of business (Z’vulun), and the women and children, each one according to his ability) should increase their learning of Torah, particularly the subjects of Moshiach and Redemption.

“It would be even better if they would learn (in public) with ten others because, in addition to the advantage that ‘ten who sit and occupy themselves with Torah, the Divine Presence dwells among them,’ there is a particular advantage when learning about Moshiach and the Redemption in public. Such public learning affects the excitement and the heart-felt joy through which comes an increasing desire and anticipation for the coming of Moshiach”

The Rebbe re-emphasized this point in the Sicha of Balak 5751: “Despite the ‘uproar’ associated with this matter in recent times within this year, the year of ‘I shall show him wonders,’ and after witnessing the wonders which testify that this is ‘The year that the King Moshiach will be revealed,’ we see how difficult it is to inculcate the awareness and the feeling that we are literally standing on the threshold of the Messianic Era, to the point that one begins to ‘thrive’ on matters of Moshiach and Redemption…

“The solution to this dilemma is Torah study concerning Moshiach and Redemption. For Torah – which is G-d’s wisdom, and thus transcends the natural order of the universe – has the capacity to alter the nature of man. Even when one’s emotions are still outside the parameters of Redemption – G-d forbid – (because he has not yet emerged from his internal exile), he can nevertheless learn the Torah’s teachings concerning Redemption, and thereby be elevated to the state of Redemption. One then begins to thrive on matters of Redemption, borne of the knowledge, awareness and feeling that “Behold he is coming.” 

Let us all get ourselves more involved in learning and spreading inyanei Moshiach and before 10 Shvat 5774, we will be in the third Beis HaMikdash with the Hisgalus of the Rebbe now!

Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati and a well sought after speaker and lecturer. Recordings of his in-depth shiurim on Inyanei Geula u’Moshiach can be accessed at http://www.ylcrecording.com




Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (http://www.beismoshiachmagazine.org/).
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