June 17, 2014
Beis Moshiach in #930, Thought

How can we overcome jealousy, anxiety and other worldly distractions that threaten to derail us? There is a way to do it, and even an “express lane.” It pays to stop a moment and get in touch with the yechida that operates within us and the electronic circuits it creates, in order to develop a complete redemptive operating system.

At the beginning of the Rebbe’s nesius, the Rebbe demanded avoda of the Chassidim, avoda of mesirus nefesh, of the yechida of the nefesh, which is above reason. It entails devotion to others while forgoing one’s own career. Chassidim responded to this call and the institution of shlichus has grown continuously.

Many ask, how is it that Chabad Chassidim are so successful in shlichus when they are “regular” people? Where did all that talent come from that is needed in order to lead a revolution?

The answer is simple – the success is thanks to hiskashrus to the Rebbe. Hiskashrus to the Rebbe is that which helps a Chassid arouse the aspect of yechida within him. It is what helps a Chassid behave as the yechida demands, to be completely devoted to the Rebbe’s shlichus.


In Yemos HaMoshiach, the yechida will be out in the open; the essence of every aspect of nature will be revealed. Today, the world and nature conceal G-dliness and the purpose of creation is not revealed. This is why problems of hatred, jealousy and competition crop up repeatedly. The body hides the neshama; a person feels his ego instead of the G-dly truth that there is nothing but G-d.

When Moshiach will be revealed he will reveal this aspect of the yechida within everyone, and in one instant all of reality will change. Everyone’s perspective of reality will change. Suddenly, he will understand what is truly important and what isn’t. Suddenly, he will understand the purpose of creation and what his role is in the world.

The yechida, the essence of the soul, is constantly united with G-d and clearly sees that the entire world is only a cover-up, and all the difficulties are only tests. When a person reveals the yechida he sees how all the matters of the world not only do not interfere with his shlichus but are there to raise him up. And when he is elevated he will reach a state in which he sees how the matters of this world help him.


The yechida is the spark of Moshiach within every one of us and Moshiach is the aspect of the “general yechida” which reveals the force of mesirus nefesh within us, who we truly are. Moshiach is the one who arouses the yechida within us.

He reveals within us the infinite hidden powers of the soul. He reveals the yechida within us, thus giving us the ability to overcome the obstacles we encounter in daily life and on shlichus.

When Moshiach is revealed, he will instantly reveal the yechida within all the Jews of the world and all of us will begin living according to the desire of the yechida. Not only that, but he will arouse the yechida of the world, thus revealing Hashem’s desire, showing how all matters of this world are part of His desire, since “everything He created, He created only for His glory.”

Even today, in the final moments before the Geula, we can arouse the yechida within us and attain our personal Geula through hiskashrus to the Rebbe MH”M, the general yechida of the Jewish people.

The battle with the animal soul is a daily battle. We can allow ourselves to be dragged into it and be followers, but we also have the ability to take the lead. By revealing the spark within us, by remembering that we have a yechida, whose entire essence is hiskashrus to Hashem, we can approach the battle from an entirely different direction. In order to attain this we need to open our eyes and make a change in the way we look at the world; we need to wear yechida glasses.


Let’s look at a practical example from mivtzaim. Before the revelation of the yechida, it is possible to have all kinds of thoughts before going on mivtzaim such as: how to go about it, how to begin, how much to invest, or thoughts about what people will say. Because mivtzaim are hard to do!

But when we approach mivtzaim from the aspect of the yechida, the aspect of Moshiach, nothing matters except for “the ultimate Oneness.” Consequently, all those questions vanish since the only thing that matters is fulfilling Hashem’s will.


The revelation of the yechida is indeed a high level, and this is why it seems remote and almost unattainable. But the Rebbe taught us that it pertains to each of us. Even if we have not yet revealed it, just learning and talking about it already changes our approach.

For example, someone who loses his wallet outside the house panics. As he looks for it, he is worried he won’t find it. But when someone misplaces his wallet at home, he knows that it is somewhere within reach and it is only a matter of time before he finds it. So his searching for it is conducted in a more relaxed frame of mind.

When we know that we have the yechida within us, even if we haven’t revealed it yet, and even if we do not sense it, it affects our behavior. We know it’s there and it’s just a matter of time before it is revealed.

When it comes to anticipating the Geula, when we know that the Geula is already here, and it is only a matter of time until it is revealed as such, we don’t need to be tense. Obviously though, we need to do all we can to make it happen, but the way we go about it is different.

The amazing thing is that today even an ordinary person who has yet to reveal his yechida can start to live with the Geula. For example, when a person is facing a test, like a very profitable business deal but one that entails desecration of the Shabbos, G-d forbid, he has two options but he finds it hard to pick the right one. It is hard for him to forgo the profit. If the yechida was revealed at this fateful moment, there would be no question whatsoever, for the yechida is not willing to part from Hashem for any money in the world. But since the yechida is concealed, he can utilize the “express lane” in order to remind himself that he has a yechida. He reminds himself that he has an inner point which is unwilling to disengage from Hashem. By doing this, he can decide to act as he would if he actually felt the yechida and thus, withstand the test.

What should he do when he does not feel the yechida at a time that he is about to make an important decision? He must stop for a moment and remember that there is a yechida (even if he does not feel it) and firmly decide that he will act as the yechida would. This is how he arouses the spark of Moshiach within him and begins to march toward his personal (as well as the collective) Geula.


The story is told of a Chassid who wanted to go somewhere and he asked his mashpia about it. The mashpia tried to dissuade him by explaining how it wasn’t appropriate, but to no avail. He finally suggested the following: write what you want to do to the Rebbe and ask for his consent and blessings. 

The Chassid began to write but when he thought about what the Rebbe would think when he read it, he couldn’t write. He was suddenly reminded how the Rebbe, the “general yechida,” looks at the world and he realized that what he wanted to do was simply inappropriate.

When we are connected to the Rebbe and set ourselves aside, we are certainly acting in accordance with the yechida, with the spark of Moshiach within us.


Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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