August 10, 2016
Rabbi Shloma Majeski in #1033, D'var Malchus

This is something that the Rebbe can demand and deliver – that there should be the revelation of “The Mikdash of the L-rd; He has established it with His hands” in 770. * Chapter Nine of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis)

Translated by Boruch Merkur

9. [..] In this very place there will immediately be the revelation of “The Mikdash of the L-rd; He has established it with His hands.” This is something that  my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, leader of our generation, can demand and deliver – that first and foremost there should be the revelation of “The Mikdash of the L-rd; He has established it with His hands.” The G-dly revelation will take place in this location (“Seven hundred and seventy” [i.e., the address: 770 Eastern Parkway]), the place where the Rebbe lived and devoted himself to G-d throughout his final ten years, the summation of his entire service (as discussed above.)

It is specifically through the completion of the avoda [throughout history] in the “lower hemisphere,” reaching even the lowest depths, that we “lift up” and reveal the entire structure of “The Mikdash of the L-rd; He has established it with His hands.” This final phase of avoda raises even the rooftop of the structure [of the Mishkan], regarding which it says, “Melech HaMoshiach…stands atop the roof of the Beis HaMikdash, and announces to them, to the Jewish people, saying, ‘Humble ones, the time of your redemption has arrived.’” This entirely elevation is achieved though the avoda (the uplifting) of the extreme depths.

The immediately result of the avoda in the lowest depths is, “They shall soar with the clouds of the heavens” – all Jews, “with our youth and our elders, our sons and our daughters, and settle in our Holy Land, together with the Third Beis HaMikdash, which is right here, and along with, “Your silver and your gold with you.” In the spiritual sense silver and gold refer to the avoda of love of G-d and fear of G-d, a component of all the commandments and prohibitions.

(From the address of 28 Sivan, 5751; Seifer HaSichos 5751, pg. 644)



Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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