The Rebbe with the Chief Rabbis
May 21, 2019
Beis Moshiach in #1167, Chabad History, Moments with the Rebbe


On Tuesday, the 11th of Iyar 5749, the two chief rabbis of Eretz Yisrael came to visit the Rebbe. They entered the Rebbe’s room – the Gan Eden Haelyon — and were greeted by the Rebbe with great honor. The conversation went on for a long time, discussing a wide range of Torah topics.  At the center of the discussion was an extensive exchange about the Emuna in Moshiach’s arrival. The Sephardic Chief Rabbi – the Rishon Letzyon, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, commenting on what is stated that Moshiach will first appear in TEVERYA, mentioned an amazing tradition that Sephardic Jews have. Rebbi Meir Bal Hanes (who passed away on Pesach Sheini and is buried in Teverya) asked to be buried standing with his staff in his hand so he can be ready to go greet Moshiach at the first possible opportunity!


Rabbi Avraham HaKohen Shapiro, the Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, also spoke about the Geulah. He spoke about how we will have animals available for korbanos immediately as Moshiach comes, while this process generally requires four days. He explained that “when Moshiach comes, we will figure everything out! Let him just come already, human nature will change, we will have better eyesight, and we will be able to faster inspect animals to have them ready for sacrifice, with no need to wait 4 days!”


The Rebbe also discussed with the chief Rabbis, the Chabad custom to refrain from making Shehechiyanu during Sefiras Homer, to which Rabbi Eliyahu responded: “Let Moshiach come before Pesach SHEINI, and the Rebbe will come to Yerushalayim to offer the Korban Pesach. Then we can ask Eliyahu Hanavi about our question with regards to Shehechiyanu”. To which the Rebbe responded: “I’ll bring along a beged chadash — a new garment — so there will be no need to ask Eliyahu Hanavi such questions, let him better deal with more difficult questions!”


Rabbi Eliyahu RECALLED that at the last visit, the Rebbe requested that the Rabbonim issue a decision that Moshiach must come immediately. The Rebbe responded by making a similar request again, emphasizing that he requested a Psak Din, a binding Halachic ruling.


The Rebbe also said: “Chazal say that Eliyahu Hanavi will first come to Teverya, but no one will mind if he comes first to the diaspora, even to Brooklyn, and go to Teverya the following day!”


A full transcript of the discussion was edited by the Rebbe and appears in Sefer Hasichos of that year.

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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